Laterally Inverted
© Albert Kaplan 2016
This is a very poor reproduction of the plate. In 2021, George Eastman House technicians will almost certainly be able to create a higher quality image.

Life Image
Please note Clara’s right hand which seems to be grasping something. Perhaps she was holding a ball-clock. They can be found at rural auctions in England.
Kaplan Collection
Known Images
[Clara Ford’s Hair, Wedding Band, Slim Waist & Bowtie]
From the collections of The Henry Ford

Note the loose wedding band which suggests that she might be wearing it for the first time.

Henry Ford’s Hair

Please compare the eyebrows.
Henry Ford’s Hands
Please note the little finger of Henry’s right hand. Is it harmonious with his other fingers?

It appears that the rim of the hat seems to be up against a book, holding it in place. If so, the book is likely a Bible, underscoring the likelihood that this tintype was made on their wedding day.
In the above known photographic image of Henry Ford, he is holding a straw hat by the rim. In the tintype, the young man is also holding a hat by its rim, the same round shape as the straw hat of the known image.

Note the shirt collar which seems to be identical to the shirt collar in the tintype.
Henry Ford, born in 1863, and Clara Jane Bryant, born in 1866, were married on Wednesday, April 11, 1888, Clara’s birthday. I am confident that this tintype was made on that very day. Henry was 24, Clara 22.
The evidence points overwhelmingly that this is their wedding day in 1888. Imagine that we have a supreme quality tintype of Henry and Clara on their wedding day! I am reminded of the expression, “stretches credulity”.
They resided on nearby farms. Destiny brought the right woman and the right man together
Here we have a young couple, privileged to be young adults in this country in 1888.
Circumstances created Henry Ford and the automobile age. He was the right man at the right moment, with the right woman by his side.
“I don’t like to read books. They muss up my mind.”
– Henry Ford
October 28, 2017
Henry and Clara resided in 11 (I think exactly that number) rented houses before settling in their own home. Maybe this tintype – literally – fell through the cracks in one of these frequent moves.
August 26, 2021
The evidence points overwhelmingly that this is their wedding day in 1888. Imagine that we have a supreme quality tintype of Henry and Clara Ford on their wedding day! I am reminded of the expression “stretches credulity”.
They resided on nearby farms. Destiny brought the right woman and the right man together.
Here we have a young couple, privileged to be young adults in this country in 1888
Circumstances created Henry Ford and the automobile age. He was the right man at the right moment, with the right woman by his side.